Hey, I'm not dead! Hurrah! In fact, to prove to myself that I am in fact alive, and frankly because Tamron advised me to do so, I purchased these fabulous boots:
Seychelles "At Last" boots, $150. With a one-inch heel, they're practical for hoofing it to the subway AND looking cute. I saw them on a girl in my hood yesterday and they looked awesome. And bonus! They replace my awesome vintage flat boots which unfortunately, though falling apart, fell victim to an unfortunate instance of highly unusual renegade cat pee. Ewwwww...
Paul Frank "The Mikey" gloves, $17.95. Hey, houndstooth! How ya doin'? Still lookin' good.... And kids, get free shipping at KarmaLoop with coupon code JOLLY.
I'm also crushing on these Dr. Martens "Jenna" boots, which would go great with said gloves, but I know how all of you feel about the doctor (for the record, those two pairs of heels I bought are awesome!). Frankly I'm still basking in the compliments bestowed on my cute J.Crew blouse! It's so nice when people are SUPPORTIVE of each other, hmmmm???
Also, what do we think about these Marc by Marc rain boots, $49.99? I'm kinda diggin' those marshmallow heels! (Also the price, duh.)
Coming soon: my fashion resolution of '08! Stay tuned....
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