I'm feeling the need lately for a new bag. And yesterday was the most depressing day of the year � that means it's certainly time for a little retail therapy. While I troll eBay (and keep my findings to myself, lest you outbid me!), here are some other cute options I've spied lately.
God, I love this L.A.M.B. "Signature Oxford" triple-zip satchel, $675. Unfortunately, that price is pretty depressing.
I didn't like them much at first, but I may be coming around on Brooklyn Industries' line of leather bags. This might be just a little too prim and proper for the likes of me, but I do love the rich berry color. Brooklyn Industries "Hunter" satchel, $88.
The winter sale going on at eBags means happy little deals on some decent bags, like this Ellington Leather Goods "Athena" purse, $86.39. It's a teensy bit boring, but it's also orange and shiny, and that counts for a lot.
This one sort is practically twinsies with the Orla Kiely-esque leaf print Target bag from last spring: Paul Frank raindrop tote, $48. I probably wouldn't buy this, but it does make a statement.
Speaking of Target, I took a gander through their recent offerings and it turns out they are selling those recycled-billboard bags, this one for $29.99. Usually those bags are le suck, but I kinda like this one. Looks like it'd be especially sturdy for a student carrying around a bunch of textbooks.
Old Navy has some excellent beach bags, for those of you lucky enough to be taking warm-weather vacations this winter. Here we have a small printed tote bag for $10. I saw a bunch of these in the store and they have some really giant ones. They also come in a lot of colors. I think I might use one of my Stencil 1 stencils and make it my own, as they say on Idol.
This sude-trim bowler bag, on the other hand, is smart enough all on its own. It's not blowing my mind or anything, but it's $29.50.
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