If you've watched the gaming world at all over the last year or so, you're probably aware of the Humble Bundle, a charity-orientated promotion where you pay what you want for a few standout indie titles. The few so far have had a great reception, raising millions for charity (EFF and Child's Play). A new one has just launched with acclaimed strategy shooter Frozen Synapse as the main draw, but there's a new wrinkle in the pricing scheme. Instead of just having the whole bundle available for any price you want to pay, you receive either just Frozen Synapse or the game plus the
whole previous bundle depending on how much you give. Give under the average and get the game, give over the average and get the bundle. It's a little bit brilliant.
Source: http://techcrunch.com/2011/09/28/new-humble-bundle-tries-different-pricing-tack/
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